Alpine Rock Course

The good weather last week was especially kind to those on the Alpine Rock course, with one group heading to the Envers des Aiguilles hut and another to the Monzino hut in Italy. These courses were run by some of our most experienced rock guides, Gilles and Frank. Routes climbed during the week included Chapelle de la Gliere, Marchand de Sable, and Pointe Croux by the Ottoz Route. On Friday the weather broke, but still one group went into the high mountains to climb the Chere Couloir, and another did valley cragging. During the same week we had other courses running including Alpine Autonomy and Mont Blanc. On the Mont Blanc course two teams reached the summit, one of which teams climbed all the way to the summit in a day, and slept in the hut on the descent. All the Autonomy group succeeded on the traverse of the Domes du Miages, and it was reported to be in great condition due to the recent good re-freezes overnight.

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