Last courses of Summer

The recent snows have stopped, and it is again a high pressure weather system in the Alps, with cold mornings and clear fresh days. Our final courses of Summer 2008 are still underway, with the last group going for Mont Blanc this weekend. This photo is from last weeks Alpine Autonomy course, and shows one team on the classic Traverse of Crochues, which they ascended with the guide soloing alongside to advise on gear placements and safe belays. The end of the course involved the ascent of Gran Paradiso, and so the summer seemed to end as it had begun, with another success on a 4000m peak! This summer has seen record numbers on the courses again, and so in the final days of season, on behalf of all the guides working on the courses, a massive thank you to all the guests for your hard work, training, and desire to learn about the amazing mountains we live in. Now it’s time to turn our attention to the looming winter season. We hope to see you out here again soon…

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