Spaghetti tour!

If you are looking for a summer climbing trip that is not too technical, but is spent in the mountains and huts all week, then this is the trip for you. This route is nicknamed the ‘Spaghetti Tour’ by the Italians, as it wiggles its way from hut to hut on the Val d’Aosta side of the Monte Rosa massif. Each night on the tour you stay in comfortable Italian mountain huts, where there’s always some pasta on the menu each night!

If you want to climb as many 4000m peaks as possible during a week, whilst staying in high mountain huts with amazing scenery, this course is perfect for you. It is a great alternative to our Alpine Intro course, for those with a day or two of previous crampon skills. The guiding ratio is 1:3 throughout, and the trip costs £1099 including guiding, huts and valley accommodation at either end. For the itinerary, click here.

The Monte Rosa massif has the largest land area above 4000m in the Alps. The course lets you ascend as many of these peaks as you can during the week, staying in remote mountain huts with your Guides. Monte Rosa is an elevated plateau, meaning you could take in 6 summits above 4000m in a week. The key peaks you could tackle include; Breithorn, Castor, Pollux, Liskaam West, Naso de Liskaam, Parrotspitze, Balmenhorn, Corno Nero, Ludwigshoehe, Vincent Pyramid, Cima Margherita and Zumsteinspitze.

A key feature of our improved itinerary is that we always start and finish on the Italian side of the massif, to avoid the prohibitive cost of the Swiss cable cars from the Zermatt valley, not to mention that the food is way better in Italian huts…

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